Tuesday, July 14, 2009

How Cute

I have finally decided topost some new pics of Kambree. There are a few with her cousin Kynadi & then with sunglasses of mine that she wanted to eat.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Well Its almost here.... Wedding Time

Well we have been engaged for over a year now & are finally getting married due to having a new baby. We are getting married on the 31st of July in Corinne. I have most of the things done & just have a few things left. I have my dress, centerpieces, need to find Kambree a dress, Annika a dress, Jessi & Virg a dress. The boys are wearing Camoflague & the girls are wearing red due to having red in my dress. I am just barely sending out my invitations today due to being slow & didnt know where it was going to be if in Utah or Las Vegas.

New Arrival...

Well it all started about 3:00 pm on the 21st due to having my weekly dr. appointment due to having toxemia. I went to the dr & he checked my blood pressure & it was way high so he checked me then did the ultra sound to check on the baby. Then we checked my blood pressure again & seen that it was still way high so he decided we better take Kambree now. So he sent me to the hospital to be started ( & I was all alone due to Josh working in Rock Springs.)So he started me on petosin & broke my water & got everything rolling. Josh finally arrived then my mom, dad, & sister showed up. I was only in labor for ablout 6 hours before she decided to come.
We finally have our family started on January 21 2009 due to arrival of Kambree Leeann Bluemel. She came at 10:55 pm and weighed on 4 lbs. She was a month early. She was then sent to Primary Childrens due to only being a month early & so little. She was the 5th baby born @ the hospital that day. The helicopter came to get her about 2:30 am on the 22nd to take her to Primarys. Josh got to go with the nurses to take her to the helicopter. They got her loaded into the helicopter & the pilot noticed that there was a weird light on & knew they couldn't fly it so they had to call for another one to come get her. So they unloaded Kambree from the helicopter & took her back inside to wait for the new helicopter. While inside waiting they had already taken me to my recovery room & I was wondering what was taking Josh so long to come back to me. He finally came back to me & told me what had happened. He was the 1st one to hold little Kambree while waiting for the new helicopter.
The next day I was able to go home due to no complications & they wanted me to get to Kambree. The day they let me go home my mom & dad went to see Kambree & were able to spend time with her & hold her. I went home from the hospital to rest a day before making the trip to Utah to see my baby girl. The picture is Kambree with all her tubes waiting in the bed for the helicopter.
The next day came & I was able to go to Primarys to see Kambree. I was so scared to see her cause she was so little. I was happy when I was there & was able to see that she was okay & was going to make it. Kambree got jaundice so was under lights for about 2 weeks until she got over it. She was then needing to hold her food down & then she could go home.
She was at primarys for 3 weeks then finally came home. Josh went to Arizona with his boss to remodel a house so me & Kambree stayed at my parents while he was gone. Kambree was starting to get sick so I took her to the dr & found out she had pneumonia so after being home a week they put her back in the hospital for a week. That was the longest week. To be continued.